8. June, 2023, 10:00 - 12:00
Pieejamo vieto skaits: 26

Experienced international Human Resources Director with rounded expertise in HR Expertise and HR Business. Partnership at most senior levels, also has general management experience in Global Services. Proud of driving long-term results and sustainable business outcomes through innovative programs and building successful teams and future leaders.

Elected mentor in Nordic Women Lead 2020 program. Recognized thought leader and speaker at leadership and business conferences.

Join an engaging webinar “Global HR trends and Reality in Baltics”. In this thought–provoking webinar, we will explore the current and emerging trends shaping the global HR landscape and delve into their specific implications within the Baltics region. Insights, expertise, and practical strategies to help you navigate the ever-evolving challenges and opportunities in the HR domain. We will uncover the latest global HR trends and examine how they manifest in the unique context of the Baltics. From talent acquisition and retention to workforce transformation, diversity and inclusion, and the impact of technology, we will explore the pressing issues that HR leaders and practitioners face today.

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