16. November, 2022, 14:00 - 16:00
Pieejamo vieto skaits: 66

Over the last decade HR practitioners all over the world, have begun to recognise the importance of data, measurement and analytics as being critical to the future credibility of HR. Driven by widespread adoption of digital transformations across organisations and the adoption of cloud services across HR practices, organisations are beginning to invest more heavily in programs, platforms and tools that leverage data for all aspects relating to talent management and business-related operational improvements.  The topic of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and HR or talent metrics are therefore a foundation upon which all HR and L&D practitioners need to both understand their importance and practically be able become more measurement focused within their day to day activities.

 This session will share information, insights and practical case studies that bring to life some of the challenges and learnings associated with these topics.

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