25. October, 2022, 14:00 - 16:00
Pieejamo vieto skaits: 112

It’s over 25 years since the concept of the HRBP was developed by Dave Ulrich. There have been some challenges in adopting and evolving the role but the events of the past couple of years have reiterated the need for HR to get closer to the ever-changing business strategies and disruptions that drive increasingly demanding expectations of the workforce.  The HRBP has to become an even more crucial touch point for business leaders than ever before.  That means dealing with an ever increasing need to demonstrate value and commercial insight and ensuring that the largely tactical, administrative function of the past becomes the strategic ‘added value’ function that focuses on resolving business problems, defining success of HR in commercial terms and builds the capabilities of the workforce so that they can deliver and support the achievement of the business’s strategies.

 This session will provide an introduction to some of the key behaviours that make a real business impact and influence business leaders to embrace the people-centric approach that is now required;  it’s as much about building the confidence of HRBP’s and practitioners in how to work with and challenge business leaders in the identification of business problems and their resolution in a more robust and proactive way.

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