Vision of LAPM
To be the best ideas developer and opinion leader in personnel management in Latvia
LPVA mission - to create best practice in personnel management in Latvia. Strategic goal 2023 - 2025: to promote the sustainability of personnel management, ensuring the professional development of personnel working in the field of personnel in accordance with global goals, providing support in the creation of a sustainable, inclusive and sustainable work environment, supporting full and productive employment and decent quality employment for all
Values of LAPM members
We understand competence as the whole set of knowledge, skills and abilities that we need every day for a great and excellent job performance, as well as an interest in learning and trying out a new working methods.
Collaboration as a value involves a positive attitude towards each other, mutual support and genuine pleasure from co-operation.
By creativity, we understand the possibility of doing things differently, more effectively.
Reliability is based on the ability to reciprocate - the members of the LPVA as the organization and the LPVA to the maximum responsible and honest use of the resources and powers entrusted to them in daily life.
LAPM Board
Management Board is chaired by the Chairman of the Board and board consists of seven members.
The Board is elected by the Meeting of Members for a term of up to three years.
Operational activities are led by Chairman of the Board.

Members of LAPM212
# | Name | Year joined |
1 | Latvijas Finieris, AS | 1996 |
2 | SCHWENK Latvija, SIA | 1998 |
3 | TET, SIA | 1998 |
4 | Komercizglītības centrs, SIA | 1999 |
5 | Valsts kontrole | 1999 |
6 | BTA Baltic Insurance company, AAS | 2000 |
7 | Alma Career Latvia, SIA | 2000 |
8 | Latvijas Pasts, VAS | 2000 |
9 | Latvijas valsts ceļi, VSIA | 2000 |
10 | SEB banka, AS | 2000 |